Sunday, June 9, 2013

How does your garden grow?

It is garden time and we finally have ours in. Last year we didn't have time to do one and I missed it so much!  I love how rewarding it is to watch everything start out so tiny and then get huge and the miracle when all the little seeds pop up and turn into plants.  And of course the food is wonderful:) This year we did one raised box on the cement on the side of our house and then a plot in our backyard. We also planted some raspberries, blackberries, and green beans on the side of our house by the fence.  We also planted blueberries, cantaloupe, watermelon, carrots, tomatoes, bell peppers, habaneros, jalapenos, some other hot chili, cilantro and broccoli. I can't wait to see how the plants do this year.  I hope they all grow but some are doing better than others right now.

 Besides working on our garden we have been enjoying the warm weather and working on our kid garden, and painting our fence white... By working on the kid garden I mean growing the kids:) They have been so fun lately and such a handful.  Julian really is doing the terrible twos thing right now and it makes me want to scream more often than not.  However he is also tons of fun and so cute with his sister.  A couple of days ago he went into a bathroom and got a piece of toilet paper, then came out and wiped out a booger in Gretchy's nose and threw it away.  It was so sweet.  He has also been having a hard time falling asleep during nap time.  One incident included a lot of poop everywhere and a lot of disinfecting but another day I found him like this:
 He was totally covered in lotion and had taken the changing pad off the table and buckled himself in for good measure on the ground.  Oh well, at least he went to sleep...  
We have also had some fun going up to the mountains with friends and to check out some stuff for youth activities.  Here is a pic with Gretchen and her cutie friend John.  I love those cheeks. I love Gretchy's super cute expressions too!


The rest of the days include a lot of playing
A lot of eating,

Bath time (I can't get over her rolls),
Julian potty training, or maybe it is more like potty racing...

Julian and Gretchen are growing so fast too.  Gretchy is so good getting around and trying to sit up and play.  She is also the biggest sweet heart.  She is so movey but she is also so calm and sweet.  So happy.  I seriously did not know a little girl could be this cute!!! Julian is also getting so big.  He is so good at eating his food and being a great friend to other kids. We call him the exotic food baby because he loves curry, salmon, shrimp, mexican food, chinese, whatever.  He loves people and he is so full of life.  The second he wakes up he wants to go outside and play with his trucks and dirt.  I remember dirt was my favorite plaything growing up too:)


  1. I want to garden soooo bad!! Someday! Gretchen's cheeks are sooooo cute. I want to squish them.

  2. Your kids are so cute and I can't believe how big Julian is!
