Thursday, June 18, 2009


We spent all of the next day at the beach and saw tons of stuff but we didn't bring the camera. We had a super yummy picnic and played in the freezing cold water (a little bit) but mostly we relaxed and got sooooo sun burnt, especially me, because I was the only one who didn't put on the sunblock. Also we saw this weird guy hammer a nail that was like six inches long in through his nose. YUCK! I don't ever want to see that again. After spending the day at the beach we did some sight seeing with Erik and he took us up to these gorgeous cliffs and we watched the moon come out and it looked just like those pictures of tropical islands where the moon is casting this huge light on the ocean and ilimunating everything. It was so beautiful. Then we went and had yummy thai food with Kristin. It was an awesome day!

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