Friday, December 23, 2011

Happy Holidays:)

So I have been a little inconsistent with my posting lately. As my pics from our last trip show but a lot has been going on since we have been back. Namely getting ready for Christmas which is now just a day away. That has included a large amount of crafting in time for Christmas presents. We made a lot of blankets, which is one of the craft projects that turned out better than some of the others, which will not be displayed on here:) Btw, the jacket that Julian is wearing on our trip is the one that I made for him. Here are the blankets,

When we first got back from out trip Julian was SOOOO sick for two weeks with some mysterious bug that he picked up on our trip that included blisters, sore throat, fever, and coughing, horrible diaper rash etc. The worse part is that he was so lifeless he wouldn't even try to walk but would just cry or just sit in our laps and not do anything. He was so sick! But after a couple of weeks of that he is over it and running just as crazy as ever. He is such a sweet little boy but he is SOOOO busy! I guess that is the stage that he is in now. I wish that he had more room to run around in. He loves to be outside and to just leave the house really. We have been running all around lately to Christmas parties and other stuff. I will have to post some pictures later. Mostly, I can't believe how different this year is from last year. Especially Thanksgiving. Last Thanksgiving night I was eating mashed potatoes in a hospital wondering and praying if my little boy or my world would ever recover, but he has. He is my miracle baby and he is so wonderful. I am so grateful that rainy days really do end and that there is always a rainbow there. He is my rainbow, especially now that he is not sick with some mysterious body rash etc. Anyway, Christ is the reason for the season and I am so grateful for him and the magical time of Christmas!

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